
News & Events

We welcome your thoughts! Have your say for Budget 2018-2019

At 91ÌÒÉ«apps, we are preparing our Annual Budget for the 2018/19 fiscal year.

The Board of Education invites all community members to share their views on what they would like to see as the school district’s educational priorities for the coming year.

We hope you will take the time to fill out the survey and share your thoughts with us.

This survey will be available for the month of February. Feedback will be compiled and shared with the Board in April. We value your input as we seek to ensure wise, efficient, effective and equitable use of resources.

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Guided by our Learning Success Blueprint – and a renewed Vision and MIssion…

91ÌÒÉ«apps is primarily funded by the Ministry of Education and is obligated to ensure the educational needs of students are met within a balanced budget as required by the School Act. Our budget funds regular instruction, student services, maintenance, administration and other priorities.

We offer a range of educational programs and services, from Programs of Choice – such as French Immersion, International Baccalaureate and Montessori –  to the Performing Arts and Technical Education. You will find information about our district’s educational priorities, goals and actions in our document: Teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms: A District Blueprint for Learner Success (March 2017).

This document forms the basis for planning activities for the coming year that will inform the budget process.

The four primary themes of the Teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms document are:

• Engagement and personalized learning
• Social and emotional well-being and healthy lifestyles
• Communicating student learning
• Use of technology as a transformational educational tool for teaching and learning

School trustees have also renewed for 2018 the Vision and Mission for 91ÌÒÉ«apps to guide and inspire the district into the future.

In addressing the fundamental purpose of school, trustees felt a vision that was both an aspiration and realistic would be captured in the statement: 91ÌÒÉ«apps is a place where students love to learn. 

The district’s newly-forged Mission Statement is: to enable each student to learn in a safe, engaging and inclusive environment. 

Renewing New Westminster’s Schools’ Vision and Mission will drive strategic directions and inspire learning, teaching, and support in all aspects of the educational journey.

Trustees Michael Ewen, James Janzen, Mark Gifford (co-chair), Kelly Slade-Kerr (chair), Mary Lalji, Jonina Campbell, Casey Cook.