
COVID-19 Info Centre

Daily Health Checks and safety plans for 2021-22

As we move through the 2021-22 school year, we do so continuing to make sure that the health and safety of our students, staff and community remain a top priority. Our protocols and practices continue to change, as we work under evolving guidance from the relevant provincial health and safety authorities.

Here are reminders about the current protocols that continue to keep us all as safe as possible.

  • Health Awareness: it is the responsibility of parents and caregivers to be aware of and track the health of each child, before they leave for school each day.
  • If you’re unsure of whether or not you need to get a COVID-19 test, you can find that here:
  • Free Rapid Antigen Tests have been distributed to both staff and students. For information on how to use those tests, you can find that here:
  • Improving and maximizing our ventilation systems is another measure that’s supporting safety in our schools. All portables have now been outfitted with HEPA filtration units, and filters in school systems are being maintained and changed regularly. You can find ventilation system overviews for each site here: /±¹±ð²Ô³Ù¾±±ô²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô-²õ²â²õ³Ù±ð³¾²õ-»å´Ç³¦³Ü³¾±ð²Ô³Ù²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô-´Ú´Ç°ù-±ð²¹³¦³ó-²õ³¦³ó´Ç´Ç±ô/Ìý
  • We continue to prioritize and support hand and respiratory hygiene, as well as the regular dedication to our cleaning practices.
  • Mask and PPE use is now a personal choice for all staff, students and visitors. We respect each person or family’s individual choice to determine what’s right for their needs. We will also continue to supply disposable masks at each school for those who would like to continue to be provided that option, should they forget or need one.
  • The COVID-19 Communicable Disease Plan is being updated as needed throughout the year, based on recommendations and guidance provided by provincial and local health and safety authorities.

All of the above is based on the direction we have received from the Ministry of Education and the recommendations of the BC Centre for Disease Control. The District’s COVID-19 updated Communicable Disease Plan utilizes all of those recommendations. Versions of this plan are also produced for each school, to ensure each site is working within the same guidelines, adjusted to the specific needs of the particular spaces in question.

This Communicable Disease Plan was updated on April 16, 2022: